Weian Mao   毛伟岸

Ph.D. Candidate

The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia. 5000.

Github: WeianMao
Scholar: Google scholar
Email: weian.mao [αt] adelaide [dοt] edu [dοt] au


I am a final-year PhD student at The University of Adelaide under the guidance of Prof. Chunhua Shen. Prior to this, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Automation from East China University of Science and Technology. My previous research interests were in Computer Vision, and I have published four papers in reputable conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, and ECCV.

Currently, my research interests revolve around protein-related fields, including but not limited to protein design, antibody design, and prediction of protein quaternary structure. Recently, my paper on De novo protein design has been accepted as a Spotlight representation (Top 5%) at ICLR 2024.

Additionally, I am exploring opportunities for postdoctoral or researcher positions. If there are suitable opportunities available, please feel free to reach out to me.

Research Interests

AI for science, protein design, antibody design, protein complex structure prediction, and computer vision



Professional Activities


Last updated on April 25th, 2024.